Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Saw the movie Troy this weekend. I went with VERY low expectations and was still really dissappointed. It stank. There were so many things wrong with it: A blond, German model playing Helen of Troy (the ancient Greek beauty with the "face that launched a thousand ships". Couldn't they at least have used a brunette? Speaking of such, there were a few giant Welsh/Scottish red/blonde-haired types doing an encore of their performances in Braveheart. Another nice encore was the soundtrack from Gladiator. And Brad Pitt's faithful re-creation of his cocky/naked performance in Fight Club was another re-run. Also, I'm not sure, but I think the statues inside the city of Troy were Minoan or Mycenaean. At least one statue, seen behind Peter O'toole while he prayed, was a sort of Tiki/Hawiian/Polynesian figure with a great six-pack. This is Hollywood cheese at its cheesiest. Oh, by the way, even the acting by the few non-models sucked. My wife suggests that when even good actors suck, it must be the director's fault.

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